Women’s Ministry

Teton Valley Bible Church
of Driggs, Idaho

The Women’s Ministry at TVBC exists to glorify God by complementing the church’s mission statement in Matthew 28:18-20 of making disciples.

Our purpose as we gather is to encourage and equip women to love and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the study and application of His holy Word. Our primary focus is to grow in Christ like maturity, and deepen our understanding of His plan and purpose for our lives as women, wives, and mothers, resulting in increasing contentment for whatever season God has us in. We believe that as we intentionally seek one another out and come along side one another to live out the truths of the Gospel together our fellowship with one another and bond as sisters in Christ will be all the richer and sweeter.

Current Schedule

Currently, the women’s ministry offers 4 faith strengthening events each year:

Ladies Spring Tea, Ladies Progressive Dinner, Fall Retreat or Conference, and annual Women’s Christmas Dinner, as well as a handful of small group Bible studies.

For more information, please contact Leah Otto at 208-360-9814 or : leah4him@gmail.com.

2025 Women’s Events

April 5th Ladies Spring Tea

September 14th Ladies Progressive Dinner

November 7th-8th Women’s Retreat

December 14th Women’s Christmas Dinner


Making Disciples
to the Glory of God

Latest Sermons

Listen to our sermons online through our sermon archive.

Home Fellowships

Join a home fellowship of Gospel minded believers.

Worship Online

View our current and past live streams on our YouTube channel.

Join Us For Worship

We invite you to join us this Sunday as we gather to worship through song, giving, preaching, and fellowship. All are welcome!