Jim Otto
Senior Pastor
Jim came to pastor Teton Valley Bible Church in 2009. He has been married to the love of his life, Leah, for 34 years and they have four adult children. Jim is a graduate of Utah State University (B.S. 89’) Multnomah School of the Bible (Grad Cert. in Bible 92’), and The Master’s Seminary (M.Div. 09’). Previous to coming to the Tetons he served in college ministry for 14 years.
Jim loves the Lord Jesus and his greatest desire is to see Christ glorified by His people loving and walking closely with their Lord. His favorite books are Knowing God by J.I. Packer and The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur. He has a special interest in the teachings of the Puritans with attention upon the doctrine of sanctification as it relates to the affections of the heart. Jim enjoys time with his family and time in the mountains.
Ministry Staff

Ben & Ashley Culbertson
Adventure Club

Rachel Bender
Children’s Ministry

Jaymie Jacoby
Music Ministry

Heather Jacoby
Nursery Ministry